
RoboFlamingo GitHub Repo stars
A pre-trained-VLM-based robotics learning framework.

ILSwiss GitHub Repo stars
An Easy-to-run Imitation Learning (IL, or Learning from Demonstration, LfD) and also Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework (template) in PyTorch.

Imitation-Learning-Paper-Lists GitHub Repo stars
Paper Collection for Imitation Learning in RL.

Batch-Offline–RL-Paper-Lists GitHub Repo stars
Paper Collection of Reinforcement Learning Exploration covers Offline Reinforcement Learning.

RL-Exploration-Paper-Lists GitHub Repo stars
Paper Collection of Reinforcement Learning Exploration covers Exploration of Muti-Arm-Bandit, Reinforcement Learning and Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning.

Reinforcement-Learning-Platforms GitHub Repo stars
Collections of powerful RL architectures with brief introductions, including repositories of environments impletations, algorithm impletations, RL frameworks and other collections.

Football-Analytics-101 GitHub Repo stars
Collections of useful information about football analytics.